Mini Guides

Las guías en Español aquí

Read these short guides on the fundamentals of worker ownership. These mini guides are topical guides for worker co-ops and democratic workplaces prepared by the USFWC's Co-op Clinic.

Effective Worker Co-op Boards

A screenshot of a document with blue graphics and text too small to read except the title effective worker co-op boards









Click on the image to open the PDF!

Co-op Structure & Decision-Making

Click on the image to open the PDF and see the recording of the webinar associated with this topic on our YouTube channel.

Setting Membership Fees

Click the image to open the PDF and see a recording of our webinar on Setting Membership Fees on our YouTube channel.

NEW MINI GUIDE! Member Removal in Worker Co-ops

A screenshot of the front page of a guide with text that reads member removal in worker cooperatives

Click the image to open the PDF!

Building Your Board of Directors

A screenhsot of a document with green grahics with text too small to read except the title building your worker co-op board

Click the image to open the PDF!

Funding for Technical Assistance

Click on the image to open the PDF!

Conflict Resolution in Democratic Workplaces

Click the image to open the PDF and see the recording of the webinar associated with this topic on our YouTube channel.

Worker Co-op Founders Compensation

A thumbnail image of the first page of the Co-op Clinic mini guide compensating the founders of your co-op with the logo of the united states federation of worker cooperatives and a green graphic with circles and ovals with text about how to compensate founders of the co-op.

Click the image to open the PDF and see the recording of the webinar associated with this topic on our YouTube channel.

Financing your Co-op

Click the image to open the PDF!

Building Your Team, Hiring & Onboarding

Click the image to open the PDF and see the recording of the webinar associated with this topic on our YouTube channel.

Thank you to TruStage and Seed Commons for their support as sponsors of our technical assistance program for worker co-ops, the Co-op Clinic.

Yellow and blue text that reads tru stage Text that reads seed commons